Joystick Magazine 1995 July & August
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Assembly Source File
827 lines
Page 58,132
Title DEBUG.ASM Apple Emulator Debugger
; Name: DEBUG.ASM Apple Emulator Debugger
; Group: Emulator
; Revision: 1.00
; Date: January 30, 1988
; Author: Randy W. Spurlock
; Module Functional Description:
; This module contains all the code for the Apple
; emulator resident debugger.
; Changes:
; -------- -------- -------------------------------------------------------
; 1/30/88 1.00 Original
; Public Declarations
Public Debug ; Apple emulator resident debugger
; External Declarations
; extrn ; ( )
; LOCAL Equates
; Equ h ;
; Define any include files needed
Include Macros.inc ; Include the macro definitions
Include Equates.inc ; Include the equate definitions
Include StrucS.inc ; Include the structure definitions
.286c ; Include 80286 instructions
; Define the emulator code segment
Emulate Segment Word Public 'EMULATE' ; Emulator code segment
Assume cs:Emulate, ds:Nothing, es:Nothing
Subttl Debug Apple Emulator Debugger
Page +
; Debug(RAM_Space, Registers)
; Save the required registers
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; DL - 65C02 Accumulator
; DH - 65C02 processor flags
; CL - 65C02 Y index register
; CH - 65C02 X index register
; BX - 65C02 Stack pointer
; SI - 65C02 Program counter
; DS - 65C02 RAM space
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Debug Proc Near ; Apple emulator debugger procedure
ret ; Return to the caller
Debug Endp ; End of the Debug procedure
Subttl Do_BAD Bad Addressing Mode Routine
Page +
; Do_BAD()
; Save the required registers
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Do_BAD Proc Near ; Bad addressing mode procedure
ret ; Return to the caller
Do_BAD Endp ; End of the Do_BAD procedure
Subttl Do_NONE No Addressing Mode Routine
Page +
; Do_NONE()
; Save the required registers
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Do_NONE Proc Near ; No addressing mode procedure
ret ; Return to the caller
Do_NONE Endp ; End of the Do_NONE procedure
Subttl Do_IMM Immediate Addressing Mode Routine
Page +
; Do_IMM()
; Save the required registers
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Do_IMM Proc Near ; Immediate addressing mode procedure
ret ; Return to the caller
Do_IMM Endp ; End of the Do_IMM procedure
Subttl Do_ABS Absolute Addressing Mode Routine
Page +
; Do_ABS()
; Save the required registers
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Do_ABS Proc Near ; Absolute addressing mode procedure
ret ; Return to the caller
Do_ABS Endp ; End of the Do_ABS procedure
Subttl Do_DP Direct Page Addressing Mode Routine
Page +
; Do_DP()
; Save the required registers
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Do_DP Proc Near ; Direct page addressing mode procedure
ret ; Return to the caller
Do_DP Endp ; End of the Do_DP procedure
Subttl Do_DIX Direct Page Indexed X Addressing Mode Routine
Page +
; Do_DIX()
; Save the required registers
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Do_DIX Proc Near ; Direct page indexed X procedure
ret ; Return to the caller
Do_DIX Endp ; End of the Do_DIX procedure
Subttl Do_DIY Direct Page Indexed Y Addressing Mode Routine
Page +
; Do_DIY()
; Save the required registers
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Do_DIY Proc Near ; Direct page indexed Y procedure
ret ; Return to the caller
Do_DIY Endp ; End of the Do_DIY procedure
Subttl Do_AIX Absolute Indexed X Addressing Mode Routine
Page +
; Do_AIX()
; Save the required registers
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Do_AIX Proc Near ; Absolute indexed X procedure
ret ; Return to the caller
Do_AIX Endp ; End of the Do_AIX procedure
Subttl Do_AIY Absolute Indexed Y Addressing Mode Routine
Page +
; Do_AIY()
; Save the required registers
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Do_AIY Proc Near ; Absolute indexed Y procedure
ret ; Return to the caller
Do_AIY Endp ; End of the Do_AIY procedure
Subttl Do_AI Absolute Indirect Addressing Mode Routine
Page +
; Do_AI()
; Save the required registers
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Do_AI Proc Near ; Absolute indirect procedure
ret ; Return to the caller
Do_AI Endp ; End of the Do_AI procedure
Subttl Do_DI Direct Page Indirect Addressing Mode Routine
Page +
; Do_DI()
; Save the required registers
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Do_DI Proc Near ; Direct page indirect procedure
ret ; Return to the caller
Do_DI Endp ; End of the Do_DI procedure
Subttl Do_AIIX Absolute Indexed Indirect X Addressing Routine
Page +
; Do_AIIX()
; Save the required registers
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Do_AIIX Proc Near ; Absolute indexed indirect X procedure
ret ; Return to the caller
Do_AIIX Endp ; End of the Do_AIIX procedure
Subttl Do_DIIX Direct Page Indexed Indirect X Mode Routine
Page +
; Do_DIIX()
; Save the required registers
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Do_DIIX Proc Near ; Direct indexed indirect X procedure
ret ; Return to the caller
Do_DIIX Endp ; End of the Do_DIIX procedure
Subttl Do_DIIY Direct Page Indexed Indirect Y Mode Routine
Page +
; Do_DIIY()
; Save the required registers
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Do_DIIY Proc Near ; Direct indexed indirect Y procedure
ret ; Return to the caller
Do_DIIY Endp ; End of the Do_DIIY procedure
Subttl Do_PCR Program Counter Relative Addressing Routine
Page +
; Do_PCR()
; Save the required registers
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Do_PCR Proc Near ; PC relative addressing procedure
ret ; Return to the caller
Do_PCR Endp ; End of the Do_PCR procedure
; Define the 65C02 debugger addressing table
Even ; Force table to an even address
Address_Table Equ This Word ; 65C02 Opcode addressing table
Address BAD,Do_BAD ; Illegal opcode addressing type
Address NONE,Do_None ; No addressing type
Address IMM,Do_IMM ; Immediate addressing type
Address ABS,Do_ABS ; Absolute addressing type
Address DP,Do_DP ; Direct page addressing type
Address DIX,Do_DIX ; Direct page indexed with X type
Address DIY,Do_DIY ; Direct page indexed with Y type
Address AIX,Do_AIX ; Absolute indexed with X type
Address AIY,Do_AIY ; Absolute indexed with Y type
Address AI,Do_AI ; Absolute indirect addressing type
Address DI,Do_DI ; Direct page indirect addressing type
Address AIIX,Do_AIIX ; Absolute indexed indirect X type
Address DIIX,Do_DIIX ; Direct page indexed indirect X type
Address DIIY,Do_DIIY ; Direct page indexed indirect Y type
Address PCR,Do_PCR ; Program counter relative
; Define the 65C02 debugger mnemonic table
Even ; Force table to an even address
Mnemonic_Table Equ This Byte ; 65C02 Opcode mnemonic table
Mnemonic ADC,<"ADC"> ; Add with carry mnemonic
Mnemonic AND,<"AND"> ; AND accumulator mnemonic
Mnemonic ASL,<"ASL"> ; Arithmetic shift left mnemonic
Mnemonic BAD,<"DB "> ; Illegal opcode mnemonic
Mnemonic BCC,<"BCC"> ; Branch if carry clear mnemonic
Mnemonic BCS,<"BCS"> ; Branch if carry set mnemonic
Mnemonic BEQ,<"BEQ"> ; Branch if equal mnemonic
Mnemonic BIT,<"BIT"> ; Test bits mnemonic
Mnemonic BMI,<"BMI"> ; Branch if minus mnemonic
Mnemonic BNE,<"BNE"> ; Branch if not equal mnemonic
Mnemonic BPL,<"BPL"> ; Branch if plus mnemonic
Mnemonic BRA,<"BRA"> ; Branch always mnemonic
Mnemonic BRK,<"BRK"> ; Software break mnemonic
Mnemonic BVC,<"BVC"> ; Branch if overflow clear mnemonic
Mnemonic BVS,<"BVS"> ; Branch if overflow set mnemonic
Mnemonic CLC,<"CLC"> ; Branch if carry clear mnemonic
Mnemonic CLD,<"CLD"> ; Clear decimal mode mnemonic
Mnemonic CLI,<"CLI"> ; Clear interrupt disable mnemonic
Mnemonic CLV,<"CLV"> ; Clear overflow mnemonic
Mnemonic CMP,<"CMP"> ; Compare accumulator mnemonic
Mnemonic CPX,<"CPX"> ; Compare X register mnemonic
Mnemonic CPY,<"CPY"> ; Compare Y register mnemonic
Mnemonic DEC,<"DEC"> ; Decrement mnemonic
Mnemonic DEX,<"DEX"> ; Decrement X register mnemonic
Mnemonic DEY,<"DEY"> ; Decrement Y register mnemonic
Mnemonic EOR,<"EOR"> ; XOR with accumulator mnemonic
Mnemonic INC,<"INC"> ; Increment mnemonic
Mnemonic INX,<"INX"> ; Increment X register mnemonic
Mnemonic INY,<"INY"> ; Increment Y register mnemonic
Mnemonic JMP,<"JMP"> ; Jump mnemonic
Mnemonic JSR,<"JSR"> ; Jump to subroutine mnemonic
Mnemonic LDA,<"LDA"> ; Load accumulator mnemonic
Mnemonic LDX,<"LDX"> ; Load X register mnemonic
Mnemonic LDY,<"LDY"> ; Load Y register mnemonic
Mnemonic LSR,<"LSR"> ; Logical shift right mnemonic
Mnemonic NOP,<"NOP"> ; No operation mnemonic
Mnemonic ORA,<"ORA"> ; OR with accumulator mnemonic
Mnemonic PHA,<"PHA"> ; Push accumulator mnemonic
Mnemonic PHP,<"PHP"> ; Push processor status mnemonic
Mnemonic PHX,<"PHX"> ; Push X register mnemonic
Mnemonic PHY,<"PHY"> ; Push Y register mnemonic
Mnemonic PLA,<"PLA"> ; Pull accumulator mnemonic
Mnemonic PLP,<"PLP"> ; Pull processor status mnemonic
Mnemonic PLX,<"PLX"> ; Pull X register mnemonic
Mnemonic PLY,<"PLY"> ; Pull Y register mnemonic
Mnemonic ROL,<"ROL"> ; Rotate left mnemonic
Mnemonic ROR,<"ROR"> ; Rotate right mnemonic
Mnemonic RTI,<"RTI"> ; Return from interrupt mnemonic
Mnemonic RTS,<"RTS"> ; Return from subroutine mnemonic
Mnemonic SBC,<"SBC"> ; Subtract with borrow mnemonic
Mnemonic SEC,<"SEC"> ; Set carry mnemonic
Mnemonic SED,<"SED"> ; Set decimal mode mnemonic
Mnemonic SEI,<"SEI"> ; Set interrupt disable mnemonic
Mnemonic STA,<"STA"> ; Store accumulator mnemonic
Mnemonic STX,<"STX"> ; Store X register mnemonic
Mnemonic STY,<"STY"> ; Store Y register mnemonic
Mnemonic STZ,<"STZ"> ; Store zero mnemonic
Mnemonic TAX,<"TAX"> ; Transfer acc. to X mnemonic
Mnemonic TAY,<"TAY"> ; Transfer acc. to Y mnemonic
Mnemonic TRB,<"TRB"> ; Test/reset bits mnemonic
Mnemonic TSB,<"TSB"> ; Test/set bits mnemonic
Mnemonic TSX,<"TSX"> ; Transfer stack to X mnemonic
Mnemonic TXA,<"TXA"> ; Transfer X to acc. mnemonic
Mnemonic TXS,<"TXS"> ; Transfer X to stack mnemonic
Mnemonic TYA,<"TYA"> ; Transfer Y to acc. mnemonic
; Define the 65C02 debugger opcode data table
Even ; Force table to an even address
Opcode_Table Equ This Byte ; 65C02 Opcode data table
Opcode <OP_BRK,TYPE_NONE> ; Opcode 00h - Software break
Opcode <OP_ORA,TYPE_DIIX> ; Opcode 01h - OR accumulator w/memory
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 02h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 03h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_TSB,TYPE_DP> ; Opcode 04h - Test/set bits w/acc.
Opcode <OP_ORA,TYPE_DP> ; Opcode 05h - OR accumulator w/memory
Opcode <OP_ASL,TYPE_DP> ; Opcode 06h - Shift memory/acc. left
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 07h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_PHP,TYPE_NONE> ; Opcode 08h - Push processor status
Opcode <OP_ORA,TYPE_IMM> ; Opcode 09h - OR accumulator w/memory
Opcode <OP_ASL,TYPE_NONE> ; Opcode 0Ah - Shift memory/acc. left
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 0Bh - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_TSB,TYPE_ABS> ; Opcode 0Ch - Test/set bits w/acc.
Opcode <OP_ORA,TYPE_ABS> ; Opcode 0Dh - OR accumulator w/memory
Opcode <OP_ASL,TYPE_ABS> ; Opcode 0Eh - Shift memory/acc. left
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 0Fh - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_BPL,TYPE_PCR> ; Opcode 10h - Branch if plus
Opcode <OP_ORA,TYPE_DIIY> ; Opcode 11h - OR accumulator w/memory
Opcode <OP_ORA,TYPE_DI> ; Opcode 12h - OR accumulator w/memory
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 13h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_TRB,TYPE_DP> ; Opcode 14h - Test/reset bits w/acc.
Opcode <OP_ORA,TYPE_DIX> ; Opcode 15h - OR accumulator w/memory
Opcode <OP_ASL,TYPE_DIX> ; Opcode 16h - Shift memory/acc. left
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 17h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_CLC,TYPE_NONE> ; Opcode 18h - Clear carry
Opcode <OP_ORA,TYPE_AIY> ; Opcode 19h - OR accumulator w/memory
Opcode <OP_INC,TYPE_NONE> ; Opcode 1Ah - Increment
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 1Bh - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_TRB,TYPE_ABS> ; Opcode 1Ch - Test/reset bits w/acc.
Opcode <OP_ORA,TYPE_AIX> ; Opcode 1Dh - OR accumulator w/memory
Opcode <OP_ASL,TYPE_AIX> ; Opcode 1Eh - Shift memory/acc. left
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 1Fh - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_JSR,TYPE_ABS> ; Opcode 20h - Jump to subroutine
Opcode <OP_AND,TYPE_DIIX> ; Opcode 21h - AND accumulator w/memory
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 22h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 23h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_BIT,TYPE_DP> ; Opcode 24h - Test bits w/accumulator
Opcode <OP_AND,TYPE_DP> ; Opcode 25h - AND accumulator w/memory
Opcode <OP_ROL,TYPE_DP> ; Opcode 26h - Rotate memory/acc. left
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 27h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_PLP,TYPE_NONE> ; Opcode 28h - Pull processor status
Opcode <OP_AND,TYPE_IMM> ; Opcode 29h - AND accumulator w/memory
Opcode <OP_ROL,TYPE_NONE> ; Opcode 2Ah - Rotate memory/acc. left
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 2Bh - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_BIT,TYPE_ABS> ; Opcode 2Ch - Test bits w/accumulator
Opcode <OP_AND,TYPE_ABS> ; Opcode 2Dh - AND accumulator w/memory
Opcode <OP_ROL,TYPE_ABS> ; Opcode 2Eh - Rotate memory/acc. left
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 2Fh - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_BMI,TYPE_PCR> ; Opcode 30h - Branch if minus
Opcode <OP_AND,TYPE_DIIY> ; Opcode 31h - AND accumulator w/memory
Opcode <OP_AND,TYPE_DI> ; Opcode 32h - AND accumulator w/memory
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 33h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_BIT,TYPE_DIX> ; Opcode 34h - Test bits w/accumulator
Opcode <OP_AND,TYPE_DIX> ; Opcode 35h - AND accumulator w/memory
Opcode <OP_ROL,TYPE_DIX> ; Opcode 36h - Rotate memory/acc. left
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 37h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_SEC,TYPE_NONE> ; Opcode 38h - Set carry
Opcode <OP_AND,TYPE_AIY> ; Opcode 39h - AND accumulator w/memory
Opcode <OP_DEC,TYPE_NONE> ; Opcode 3Ah - Decrement
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 3Bh - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_BIT,TYPE_AIX> ; Opcode 3Ch - Test bits w/accumulator
Opcode <OP_AND,TYPE_AIX> ; Opcode 3Dh - AND accumulator w/memory
Opcode <OP_ROL,TYPE_AIX> ; Opcode 3Eh - Rotate memory/acc. left
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 3Fh - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_RTI,TYPE_NONE> ; Opcode 40h - Return from interrupt
Opcode <OP_EOR,TYPE_DIIX> ; Opcode 41h - XOR accumulator w/memory
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 42h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 43h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 44h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_EOR,TYPE_DP> ; Opcode 45h - XOR accumulator w/memory
Opcode <OP_LSR,TYPE_DP> ; Opcode 46h - Logical shift right
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 47h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_PHA,TYPE_NONE> ; Opcode 48h - Push accumulator
Opcode <OP_EOR,TYPE_IMM> ; Opcode 49h - XOR accumulator w/memory
Opcode <OP_LSR,TYPE_NONE> ; Opcode 4Ah - Logical shift right
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 4Bh - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_JMP,TYPE_ABS> ; Opcode 4Ch - Jump
Opcode <OP_EOR,TYPE_ABS> ; Opcode 4Dh - XOR accumulator w/memory
Opcode <OP_LSR,TYPE_ABS> ; Opcode 4Eh - Logical shift right
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 4Fh - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_BVC,TYPE_PCR> ; Opcode 50h - Branch if overflow clear
Opcode <OP_EOR,TYPE_DIIY> ; Opcode 51h - XOR accumulator w/memory
Opcode <OP_EOR,TYPE_DI> ; Opcode 52h - XOR accumulator w/memory
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 53h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 54h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_EOR,TYPE_DIX> ; Opcode 55h - XOR accumulator w/memory
Opcode <OP_LSR,TYPE_DIX> ; Opcode 56h - Logical shift right
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 57h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_CLI,TYPE_NONE> ; Opcode 58h - Clear interrupt disable
Opcode <OP_EOR,TYPE_AIY> ; Opcode 59h - XOR accumulator w/memory
Opcode <OP_PHY,TYPE_NONE> ; Opcode 5Ah - Push Y index register
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 5Bh - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 5Ch - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_EOR,TYPE_AIX> ; Opcode 5Dh - XOR accumulator w/memory
Opcode <OP_LSR,TYPE_AIX> ; Opcode 5Eh - Logical shift right
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 5Fh - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_RTS,TYPE_NONE> ; Opcode 60h - Return from subroutine
Opcode <OP_ADC,TYPE_DIIX> ; Opcode 61h - Add with carry
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 62h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 63h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_STZ,TYPE_DP> ; Opcode 64h - Store zero to memory
Opcode <OP_ADC,TYPE_DP> ; Opcode 65h - Add with carry
Opcode <OP_ROR,TYPE_DP> ; Opcode 66h - Rotate memory/acc. right
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 67h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_PLA,TYPE_NONE> ; Opcode 68h - Pull accumulator
Opcode <OP_ADC,TYPE_IMM> ; Opcode 69h - Add with carry
Opcode <OP_ROR,TYPE_NONE> ; Opcode 6Ah - Rotate memory/acc. right
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 6Bh - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_JMP,TYPE_AI> ; Opcode 6Ch - Jump
Opcode <OP_ADC,TYPE_ABS> ; Opcode 6Dh - Add with carry
Opcode <OP_ROR,TYPE_ABS> ; Opcode 6Eh - Rotate memory/acc. right
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 6Fh - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_BVS,TYPE_PCR> ; Opcode 70h - Branch if overflow set
Opcode <OP_ADC,TYPE_DIIY> ; Opcode 71h - Add with carry
Opcode <OP_ADC,TYPE_DI> ; Opcode 72h - Add with carry
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 73h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_STZ,TYPE_DIX> ; Opcode 74h - Store zero to memory
Opcode <OP_ADC,TYPE_DIX> ; Opcode 75h - Add with carry
Opcode <OP_ROR,TYPE_DIX> ; Opcode 76h - Rotate memory/acc. right
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 77h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_SEI,TYPE_NONE> ; Opcode 78h - Set interrupt disable
Opcode <OP_ADC,TYPE_AIY> ; Opcode 79h - Add with carry
Opcode <OP_PLY,TYPE_NONE> ; Opcode 7Ah - Pull Y index register
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 7Bh - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_JMP,TYPE_AIIX> ; Opcode 7Ch - Jump
Opcode <OP_ADC,TYPE_AIX> ; Opcode 7Dh - Add with carry
Opcode <OP_ROR,TYPE_AIX> ; Opcode 7Eh - Rotate memory/acc. right
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 7Fh - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_BRA,TYPE_PCR> ; Opcode 80h - Branch always
Opcode <OP_STA,TYPE_DIIX> ; Opcode 81h - Store accumulator
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 82h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 83h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_STY,TYPE_DP> ; Opcode 84h - Store Y index register
Opcode <OP_STA,TYPE_DP> ; Opcode 85h - Store accumulator
Opcode <OP_STX,TYPE_DP> ; Opcode 86h - Store X index register
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 87h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_DEY,TYPE_NONE> ; Opcode 88h - Decrement Y register
Opcode <OP_BIT,TYPE_IMM> ; Opcode 89h - Test bits w/accumulator
Opcode <OP_TXA,TYPE_NONE> ; Opcode 8Ah - Transfer X reg. to acc.
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 8Bh - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_STY,TYPE_ABS> ; Opcode 8Ch - Store Y index register
Opcode <OP_STA,TYPE_ABS> ; Opcode 8Dh - Store accumulator
Opcode <OP_STX,TYPE_ABS> ; Opcode 8Eh - Store X index register
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 8Fh - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_BCC,TYPE_PCR> ; Opcode 90h - Branch if carry clear
Opcode <OP_STA,TYPE_DIIY> ; Opcode 91h - Store accumulator
Opcode <OP_STA,TYPE_DI> ; Opcode 92h - Store accumulator
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 93h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_STY,TYPE_DIX> ; Opcode 94h - Store Y index register
Opcode <OP_STA,TYPE_DIX> ; Opcode 95h - Store accumulator
Opcode <OP_STX,TYPE_DIX> ; Opcode 96h - Store X index register
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 97h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_TYA,TYPE_NONE> ; Opcode 98h - Transfer Y reg. to acc.
Opcode <OP_STA,TYPE_AIY> ; Opcode 99h - Store accumulator
Opcode <OP_TXS,TYPE_NONE> ; Opcode 9Ah - Transfer X reg. to stack
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 9Bh - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_STZ,TYPE_ABS> ; Opcode 9Ch - Store zero to memory
Opcode <OP_STA,TYPE_AIX> ; Opcode 9Dh - Store accumulator
Opcode <OP_STZ,TYPE_AIX> ; Opcode 9Eh - Store zero to memory
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode 9Fh - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_LDY,TYPE_IMM> ; Opcode A0h - Load Y register w/memory
Opcode <OP_LDA,TYPE_DIIX> ; Opcode A1h - Load accumulator w/memory
Opcode <OP_LDX,TYPE_IMM> ; Opcode A2h - Load X register w/memory
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode A3h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_LDY,TYPE_DP> ; Opcode A4h - Load Y register w/memory
Opcode <OP_LDA,TYPE_DP> ; Opcode A5h - Load accumulator w/memory
Opcode <OP_LDX,TYPE_DP> ; Opcode A6h - Load X register w/memory
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode A7h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_TAY,TYPE_NONE> ; Opcode A8h - Transfer acc. to Y reg.
Opcode <OP_LDA,TYPE_IMM> ; Opcode A9h - Load accumulator w/memory
Opcode <OP_TAX,TYPE_NONE> ; Opcode AAh - Transfer acc. to X reg.
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode ABh - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_LDY,TYPE_ABS> ; Opcode ACh - Load Y register w/memory
Opcode <OP_LDA,TYPE_ABS> ; Opcode ADh - Load accumulator w/memory
Opcode <OP_LDX,TYPE_ABS> ; Opcode AEh - Load X register w/memory
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode AFh - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_BCS,TYPE_PCR> ; Opcode B0h - Branch if carry set
Opcode <OP_LDA,TYPE_DIIY> ; Opcode B1h - Load accumulator w/memory
Opcode <OP_LDA,TYPE_DI> ; Opcode B2h - Load accumulator w/memory
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode B3h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_LDY,TYPE_DIX> ; Opcode B4h - Load Y register w/memory
Opcode <OP_LDA,TYPE_DIX> ; Opcode B5h - Load accumulator w/memory
Opcode <OP_LDX,TYPE_DIY> ; Opcode B6h - Load X register w/memory
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode B7h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_CLV,TYPE_NONE> ; Opcode B8h - Clear overflow
Opcode <OP_LDA,TYPE_AIY> ; Opcode B9h - Load accumulator w/memory
Opcode <OP_TSX,TYPE_NONE> ; Opcode BAh - Transfer stack to X reg.
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode BBh - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_LDY,TYPE_AIX> ; Opcode BCh - Load Y register w/memory
Opcode <OP_LDA,TYPE_AIX> ; Opcode BDh - Load accumulator w/memory
Opcode <OP_LDX,TYPE_AIY> ; Opcode BEh - Load X register w/memory
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode BFh - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_CPY,TYPE_IMM> ; Opcode C0h - Compare Y reg. w/memory
Opcode <OP_CMP,TYPE_DIIX> ; Opcode C1h - Compare memory w/acc.
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode C2h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode C3h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_CPY,TYPE_DP> ; Opcode C4h - Compare Y reg. w/memory
Opcode <OP_CMP,TYPE_DP> ; Opcode C5h - Compare memory w/acc.
Opcode <OP_DEC,TYPE_DP> ; Opcode C6h - Decrement
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode C7h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_INY,TYPE_NONE> ; Opcode C8h - Increment Y register
Opcode <OP_CMP,TYPE_IMM> ; Opcode C9h - Compare memory w/acc.
Opcode <OP_DEX,TYPE_NONE> ; Opcode CAh - Decrement X register
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode CBh - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_CPY,TYPE_ABS> ; Opcode CCh - Compare Y reg. w/memory
Opcode <OP_CMP,TYPE_ABS> ; Opcode CDh - Compare memory w/acc.
Opcode <OP_DEC,TYPE_ABS> ; Opcode CEh - Decrement
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode CFh - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_BNE,TYPE_PCR> ; Opcode D0h - Branch if not equal
Opcode <OP_CMP,TYPE_DIIY> ; Opcode D1h - Compare memory w/acc.
Opcode <OP_CMP,TYPE_DI> ; Opcode D2h - Compare memory w/acc.
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode D3h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode D4h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_CMP,TYPE_DIX> ; Opcode D5h - Compare memory w/acc.
Opcode <OP_DEC,TYPE_DIX> ; Opcode D6h - Decrement
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode D7h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_CLD,TYPE_NONE> ; Opcode D8h - Clear decimal mode
Opcode <OP_CMP,TYPE_AIY> ; Opcode D9h - Compare memory w/acc.
Opcode <OP_PHX,TYPE_NONE> ; Opcode DAh - Push X index register
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode DBh - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode DCh - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_CMP,TYPE_AIX> ; Opcode DDh - Compare memory w/acc.
Opcode <OP_DEC,TYPE_AIX> ; Opcode DEh - Decrement
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode DFh - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_CPX,TYPE_IMM> ; Opcode E0h - Compare X reg. w/memory
Opcode <OP_SBC,TYPE_DIIX> ; Opcode E1h - Subtract from accumulator
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode E2h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode E3h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_CPX,TYPE_DP> ; Opcode E4h - Compare X reg. w/memory
Opcode <OP_SBC,TYPE_DP> ; Opcode E5h - Subtract from accumulator
Opcode <OP_INC,TYPE_DP> ; Opcode E6h - Increment
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode E7h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_INX,TYPE_NONE> ; Opcode E8h - Increment X register
Opcode <OP_SBC,TYPE_IMM> ; Opcode E9h - Subtract from accumulator
Opcode <OP_NOP,TYPE_NONE> ; Opcode EAh - No operation
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode EBh - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_CPX,TYPE_ABS> ; Opcode ECh - Compare X reg. w/memory
Opcode <OP_SBC,TYPE_ABS> ; Opcode EDh - Subtract from accumulator
Opcode <OP_INC,TYPE_ABS> ; Opcode EEh - Increment
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode EFh - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_BEQ,TYPE_PCR> ; Opcode F0h - Branch if equal
Opcode <OP_SBC,TYPE_DIIY> ; Opcode F1h - Subtract from accumulator
Opcode <OP_SBC,TYPE_DI> ; Opcode F2h - Subtract from accumulator
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode F3h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode F4h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_SBC,TYPE_DIX> ; Opcode F5h - Subtract from accumulator
Opcode <OP_INC,TYPE_DIX> ; Opcode F6h - Increment
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode F7h - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_SED,TYPE_NONE> ; Opcode F8h - Set decimal mode
Opcode <OP_SBC,TYPE_AIY> ; Opcode F9h - Subtract from accumulator
Opcode <OP_PLX,TYPE_NONE> ; Opcode FAh - Pull X index register
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode FBh - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode FCh - Illegal opcode
Opcode <OP_SBC,TYPE_AIX> ; Opcode FDh - Subtract from accumulator
Opcode <OP_INC,TYPE_AIX> ; Opcode FEh - Increment
Opcode <OP_BAD,TYPE_BAD> ; Opcode FFh - Illegal opcode
; Define the end of the Emulator Code Segment
Emulate Ends
End ; End of the Debug module